Monday, June 29, 2009

The Flight Series


Brown and tan and dark
yet so unearthlike.
No green of grass
no blue of quenching thirst
Brown and tan for miles
earthtones stretching before me.


Dallas at 35 thousand feet
cloudy and dark
silver and gray
bathed in fog
and swirling mist.
I fall into
its shrouding arms
fearing myself
fearing the fall
torrents of tears
torrents of pain.
And the first drop of manna
to my parched lips.


Rivulets in stone
running through gashes
on the sides of
improbable majesty
running red from the blood
of what wound of mankind?


In slanting waves
what once was
a trickle
has turned into
this storm.
Covering all our
windows, all our
views, all our sight.
But in ferocity
it loses to the
storming in my heart.


The window was small.
Still, bigger than
the window to my heart.
And the droplets
of tears that clung to it
flicked from my tainted fingers
were darker than Desdemona's blood