Friday, June 5, 2009


Two lives, two women,
three seekers of peace:
one gives attention
one serenity.
You pick one and lose
her adoration
the other may turn out
to be a shrew.

Had I Loved You

I have desired you more
and wanted you longer
than anything else in my short life,
but I have not loved you enough.
Not loved you enough to recognize
that you are not me;
your sun does not

rise and set on me;
your dreams and ambitions
do not include me.
I have been at the periphery
of your unshared desires
waiting for your love to arise:
a convenience, an annoyance
a rule maker, a ball breaker
inadequate as a wife and mother
but good for a roll in the hay
when your sun shines.
Life is too short, like me
and the time for remedy is at hand.
Perhaps I have not loved me enough.

The pain goes as said....

....and I said
The unconscious
where it keeps struggling
to keep the vows we make
as unknowing babies
until we awaken to the Giant
within ourselves
full of joy and bliss
and love for ourselves
so that it spills over
into enough to share
with others
like I feel for you
right now.