Saturday, May 5, 2018

Today I Woke...

I sleep on my side
fetal position
knees drawn tight
to my chest
taking the blows
on my back
protecting my innards

I sleep on my side
mummy in sarcophagus
arms crossed tight
across my chest
holding my shoulders
wrapped in the linen
of nightmares

I sleep on my side
head tucked in
chin drawn tight
to my chest
holding my lips
closed lest they
dare speak the pain

Today I woke
leg stretched out
arm flung upward
head thrown back
resting on the pillow
three quarter turned
smile with eyes closed
a great body shot

Today I Awoke...

Perhaps he would be nine now
nine in some cold uncaring orphanage
or nine in the luxury of some
ritzy suburb
nine years into life
cursing our anonymity
yet longing to know his past
nine now, and soon nineteen
to be parenting bastards of his own.
Would we have broken under
being parents at nineteen?
The real bastards - us.
Thoughts in vain
he didn't even live to see
the second trimester.
A mother - a writer
once said to me
Do what will endure
because she was of love
and of good humor
because she was of joy
and caring for un-met friends.
I tried. Now I write
and play with my child
who knows not of dirty dishes
in the sink,
unmade beds, bathtub ring,
of dust collecting on oak and maple,
of records clothed in other jackets,
but gives me of herself
her toothless smile
and sometimes of her oatmeal.


Writing and scribbling
hoarding my little words
a miser could not be greedier
with his gold.

Wild haired, wide eyed
crazy to the world
this is what keeps us safe
this is what keeps me sane.