Monday, May 7, 2018

Since you came home

My life was not barren before you
there were acres of lush rolling hillsides
holding hands in deep azure water
watching red flaming sunsets for hours.

The colors are brighter
the textures are sharper
since I measure my time
between feeding and changing
and putting you to bed.

Making Family

Let us live again
with children all anew,
give birth again
to seeds of our seed
again and again and again.

The humdrum of life
the feeding the washing
the staying awake nights
will fade with years.
But oh! How our years
will blossom.

Before and After You

I had you
long before I got you,
for months we shared
the little intimacies of my life.

Then you were born
I thought those times were gone.
You are walking now

and still we share those moments
as nimbly you step
through the bathroom door
before I close it behind me.