Tuesday, May 8, 2018

My Words are Honey

From the heated cauldron of my mind 
they come pouring out like liquid 
glass, to be gently cooled into shapes
acceptable, presentable, beautiful
too delicate to change lest they shatter

From the sweltering cauldron of my mind
they are poured deliberately liquid
steel, cooled over time to become hard
sturdy, resilient, dependable
too burly to change or bend matter

From the burning cauldron of my mind 
they pour themselves in a steady stream
mercury, deceptively simple in their 
slivery, slippery, unpredictability
too capricious to capture. 

From the hivemind of my heart
my words collected from blossoms
of pain, painstakingly collected nectar.
You would be a fool to think
my honey is for your taking.